Our Guide to Getting 10k Followers on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most commonly used social media websites. Not only this, but it can also be used for numerous distinctive purposes, which include marketing of products, implementing promotional strategies, generating customers, attracting clients, building PR and sharing your daily life activities. Having a larger Instagram account can be extremely beneficial in all aspects of the internet. That’s why we put together this wonderful guide on getting 10k followers on Instagram!

Now, even though every other person has an Instagram account for sure but just signing up isn’t all. The real task is to attract and target the audience and get tons of followers in order to get exposure and develop and set a stage for yourself.

The question which usually pops up in our minds is; how to get 10K followers on Instagram in a short span of time? If you are thinking the same as well, then you have landed on the right platform. https://alphaready.co/ is one of the finest and most successful platforms which guides you and helps you in attaining thousands and millions of followers in no time.

AlphaReady is known to provide the best services, especially for the people who are stuck and can’t find an alternative to gain a presence on the biggest and most popular social media website Instagram. If you care a lot about getting followers and gaining social media presence in a short period of time, then this is the best place for you.

Here is the AlphaReady step by step guide to attain and get 10K followers on Instagram in no time. Read on to find out

The First Step – Start to Cooperate With People:

One of the best ways to increase the number of followers is through collaboration. Collaborating and interacting with people all across the globe helps in increasing the number of followers within no time. This kind of collaboration can be done by making groups with people from different countries in order to exchange business-related advice, arranging collaborating photo-shoots and promote each other’s business. This not only helps in catching the eye of the audience but also helps in increasing the social media presence. The sense of the community is one of the best ways to gain social media presence and increase the number of followers gradually. Thus, the key is to collaborate and interact with different people all over the globe. The more the interaction, the more will be the number of followers. Quite simple, right?


Create an Attractive Profile:

What is the first thing which can attract the audience and catch the attention of the clients? Well, the answer is developing an attractive profile. If you want the audience to visit your Instagram profile, then the first thing you need to do is create a vibrant and colorful profile with an attractive bio and eye-catching pictures. Moreover, captioning your pictures is important as well. If you want to impress the audience, then make sure you use impressive poetic captions.

Next, don’t be scared or hesitant to drop in some emojis on the Instagram profile, if this is to some degree, a thing which would resound with your viewers. Furthermore, if you have an email subscription page, a website homepage or any other link of a brand, then put that up in your profile as well. This can extend the connection with your followers as well. A great example of an Instagram account applying this is Master Lifestyle where they’re linking out directly to their website! Master Lifestyle has a killer website that is used for a landing page which is used to help expand that connection with their audience!

But don’t worry – your Instagram account page does not inevitably grow quicker by devising a connection in your Instagram bio. At this stage, it is a lot more of a nice-to-have to begin leading in the direction of your viewers and followers that you can completely prepare in the upcoming stages as well. Master Lifestyle and their account on Instagram is a perfect example of a way to be creating an attractive profile!

Master Lifestyle instagram account


Do Not Forget to DM the Followers you Admire:

Okay, so another thing which can help in increasing the social media presence on Instagram is through sending messages and DMs (also known commonly as direct messages and/or direct messaging) to the followers you idealize and admire.

Instagram is all about interacting with people and develop relationships. Just as it is mandatory to create and develop a society of influencers in the nook or niche you are in, similarly, you require the same with the followers as well.

The best way to reach out to the followers you admire is by sending a DM. don’t be reluctant and never hesitate. Just act natural and start a casual conversation. Just remember; prepare yourself prior to beginning the conversation just to be on the safe side. After you have started the conversation try talking about the similar interest. Try to compliment them. This way you can easily attract your ideal follower and have them follow you.

Benefit from this as the opportunity to discover what your ideal follower likes, what issues they have and how you can be helpful in resolving those issues. These chats are really important especially if you are interested in knowing more about the follower on a deeper and entrenched level mainly because their positive feedbacks can help in shaping your upcoming and future programs which can be profitable for your business in the future.


Growing to More and More Followers:

As soon as you put together that preliminary grip, the ensuing approach will certainly provide an additional boost and enhancement to get followers and viewers on Instagram. These are the steps you need to carry out and do.

  1. Recognize the accounts which are bigger and are quite similar to that of your account with the follower count of 50k+.
  2. Test if their viewers are real or fake. There are multiple tools which you can use for checking. Like FameauditSocialAuditPro, and AlphaReady does offer a feature specifically for this. Just contact us if you’re having a hard time finding it!
  3. If most of the followers on their account are real and original then open the throttle of their list of their follower and begin following such accounts.
  4. Begin checking and ensuring who is not following back and unfollow such accounts. There are numerous applications for Android and iOS both for this similar purpose – all you need to do is research a little bit.

In an ideal world, no less than 20% of the individuals that began following, tend to follow back. The more the number of followers the healthier your following to follower ratio is going to be. Similarly, the more appealing, attractive and enticing your newsfeed is, the more individuals follow you back on your Instagram account which ultimately results in higher follower count.

Individuals are more inclined and persuaded to follow back the kind of accounts which;

  • Look genuine and real. Have no fake content or any type of content which is not suitable for younger individuals.
  • Any account which has more followers and less following is more likely to be followed back.
  • Have thousands and millions of followers.
  • The feed of post which is nicely designed also attracts the audience

Other than the follow – unfollow technique you begin interrelating with the better accounts: To begin with, turn on notifications of the post for such accounts. Each and every time they put on a new picture or post you can leave a comment and be the first one to get noticed. Make sure you write something regarding the caption of the picture. Avoid using inappropriate or offensive language (to avoid making a bad impression). Other than this, also try scheduling your posts on Instagram, this can give you more time to engage and interact with your followers.



Increasing Your Followers From Hundreds to Thousands:

After you have formed a good basis for the growth of your Instagram account, it is now the right time to speed up even more. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should put a hold on your previous tasks, all you need to do is add new ideas and try to think of other great methods in order to increase the number of followers in the short period of time. Adding new methods can help in improving the growth and making your profile visible to more audience.

Okay, so the first and initial step is to begin using and expending engagement groups. Don’t know what engagement groups are? Well, here is a little explanation to make the concept a bit clear. These are basically the pods which help in increasing the follower count thus making your follower count healthy.

The second most important thing which can increase social media presence by investing in the advertisements. Other than just posting the impressive pictures and building an enticing profile, Instagram advertisements can be really handy at this stage. In order to run an advertisement on your Instagram account make sure you switch your account to business account first. All you need to do is go to the “edit profile” and scroll down to “switch to the business account”. You can switch back to personal account anytime you want.

Last but not least, time and schedule your posts on Instagram. As soon as you reach this phase, start timing and scheduling your posts. Every time you consider timetabling and organizing your content, more followers begin to engage which results in a higher number of followers.

These are the few steps which you need to take in order to increase the number of followers to 10k within a short period of time. For more such informative articles, stay connected to AlphaReady and read fresh content every now and then

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